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Fitting, Refinement & Validation

Philip R. Evans, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Hills Road, Cambridge UK

This talk is heavily biased towards the program O. Sections of this document which specifically refer to methods and commands in O are in italic script.

The problem

Electron density maps, whether from an initial structure determination (eg by MIR, MAD) or during refinement, are not self-explanatory. They need human or machine intelligence to interpret.

Problems with maps may be divided into three categories: maps are :-

The task of electron-density fitting is to interpret the electron-density maps in the light of chemical knowledge, of basic stereochemistry, the chemical sequence, and the nature of any bound ligands (if known)


At very high resolution, individual atoms can be fitted, and the problem is join-the-dots. Labelling remains a problem, but a relatively easy one.

                    1Å resolution


At the other extreme, large chunks must be fitted at one time. Alpha-helices are clear at 6Å resolution, but beta-sheets are not. At lower resolutions than about 8Å, only whole molecules can be placed.

6Å resolution


At 1.0Å, there is no problem fitting individual atoms (and the N atom is bigger than the carbons). At 2.5Å the ring is easily fitted, at 3.0Å less easily, and at 4Å the fit is very uncertain.

1.0Å                        2.5Å

3.0Å                    4.0Å

The size of the fitted objects depends on the resolution:

Overview of fitting: programs, strategies

There are now a number of programs which automate some or all of the process: these and others are under active development, and will undoubtedly improve in the future. This talk concentrates on manual building, in particular using O, and will not discuss these automatic methods.

Automatic fitting programs

This is an active area, and there are undoubtedly other programs that I am unaware of.

Fitting fragments (helices, sheets, molecules etc):
    ESSENS                    Kleywegt
    fffear                          Cowtan

These methods could be a useful start to interpretation

    warpNtrace                Lamzin, Perrakis, Morris
    Quanta                       Oldfield et al.

In favourable cases at least (warpNtrace needs highish resolution), these can build most of the structure

Manual fitting

Model building is too complicated to do in one step, but it may be broken down into stages. Remember that what you are constructing is a model, a hypothesis, and that it may make sense to build multiple models for parts (or all) of the structure. Anything can be changed. What follows here is one approach, proposed by Alwyn Jones and used successfully for many structures. In the discussion, I assume a polypeptide: polynucleotides can be fitted in a similar way in principle, but the programs are less well developed.

Tracing the chain with a skeleton (bones)

An electron-density map in eg the conventional chicken wire representation is too complicated to be able to see the larger features. The skeleton is a simpified representation which allows the whole molecule and major secondary structure features to be seen at once, to get an overall view of the structure.

Too much detail


A first examination of a large volume of space (several unit cells) often allows definition of the region of the cell which covers one molecule: this part of the cell can then be cut out for future use (in O, it is inconvenient if the chain trace runs off the edge of the skeletonised map, so the initial volume need to be chosen generously and carefully).

The skeleton can then be edited to produce a continuous coloured trace approximately along the mainchain. The trace will principally be used as a visual guide, so there is no need for the line to follow the chain accurately. The edit operations are

Final trace of whole molecule

The bone trace fits the final CA trace

Positioning the sequence on the trace

A. Markers:

B. Direction:

Easiest to see in alpha-helix

Direction is not obvious in the skeleton

Sidechains point towards N-terminus (Christmas tree)

Helix direction is visible in map

Direction is less clear in beta-sheet, unless the resolution is high enough to see the carbonyl groups clearly (this is 1.8Å resolution)

C. Slider

If no clear markers can be found, it is possible to find likely positions by guessing residue types, based on small/medium/large classification, and comparing a short segment of guessed sequence with the real sequence, using the same sort of algorithm that is used in sequence matching, but with a structural score matrix. This method is coded in O as the "slider" commands. Failing this, build poly-alanine.

Placing CA atoms in O (baton)

CA atoms can be placed in O using the baton_build command. This uses a 3.8Å ruler flipped over and over to measure off the correct distance between CA atoms. Each time the "Yes" command is given, the coordinates of the CA atom for the active residue are set to the position of the green end of the baton.

To build the CA trace of a new molecule:

In the following, suppose the molecule will be called M0, and the skeleton is called SK1
  1. Construct sequence file for your molecule, as an O datablock. This can be done with the Uppsala program "sod" from a standard sequence. Name the molecule eg M0, to create a file eg m0_seq.odb

  3. Read in sequence file and create empty molecule
  4. read m0_seq.odb        ! read datablock
    sam_init m0            ! set up datablocks for whole molecule
  5. Draw dipeptide "baton"
  6. mol di  ca ; end
  7. Make CA trace which get updated as building proceeds
  8. mol M0; object CA; ca ; end
  9. Start baton building, starting at eg residue 23, going forward

  10. Position centre to near residue 23
    baton_mode sk1         !  baton follows skeleton sk1 (badly!)
    baton_build M0 23 f    !  start building: first residue will be 23
While baton_build is active, the baton DI is under control of the move_fragment command and dials.Initially the green end of the baton needs to be driven by fragment translation into to the correct position for eg residue 23, but after that, only the fragment rotations should be used so that the red end remains stationary, unless errors have accumulated. I find it convenient to have the fragment rotations and translations (X & Y) on the same dial box, which I define as dial box 6
.BOX6                     I          8 (26(x,i2))
  9 10 11 13  1  2  3 14
When the green end has been positioned correctly, hit "Yes" to accept this position and move to the next. The sequence at and around the current residue is displayed at the top of the screen. When you have finished or get stuck, hit "No" to stop. You can always redo any bit you didn't like, or just move the CA atoms. Only the position of the green end matters: the red end just provides a pivot.

Baton tracing under way

The answer

The skeleton is there to show you which way to go

Problems & comments:

It is often easy to place CAs in helices and sheet strands, but is much harder in loops. It may be helpful to build into loops from both ends, and leave out the worst bit if necessary. Watch out for clues that you have got out of register, particularly after building round a loop.

The CA atom do not need to be placed very accurately (and that is usually impossible). Work fast and fix up problems later.

Building the molecule on a CA trace

The positions of the alpha-carbons is sufficient to place all mainchain atoms and the CB atoms (polynucleotides have more degrees of freedom for each residue). A library of common mainchain conformations can be consulted to find the best fit.

First CA trace along skeleton

Mainchain fitted to CA guides

Sidechains built in most common rotamer

The O command "lego_auto_mc" fits a series of overlapping five-residue peptides, then accepts the middle three. Thus the first and last residues are not fitted (actually they are given junk coordinates, beware), so it is useful to build one more CA than you can see. "lego_auto_sc" then builds on each sidechain, in the most common rotamer conformation, for every residue in the defined range.

This provides a good starting point, but will be wrong in some places, either because the CA atoms are misplaced, or because the sidechain is not in the most common rotamer conformation. Automated methods to choose the best sidechain rotamer may work, but are likely to be defeated by a wrongly positioned mainchain.

The model may be quite good at this stage, but will have some mistakes
(magenta: final model; yellow etc: model from lego_auto)

Adjustment of model (rebuilding)

Tools for rebuilding

Does it fit?

Any movement option can be automated to optimise a best fit between map density and that predicted from the model, with a minimisation or search procedure. Automated procedures may go wrong, and put the model into the wrong piece of density to get a better fit (the density is not labelled). The human eye and brain is a good guide to a good fit, and the brain is good at foreseeing the result of possible movements ("if I turn it over, move it over there and bend it a bit, I can see that it will fit better"): the computer can only search mindlessly, but can search many possibilities quickly. One aim of interactive model building is to partition the work optimally between the computer and the human. Refinement programs are very good at moving everything a little way to improve the fit, so there is no point in wasting your time getting everything perfect. On the other hand, refinement programs will not usually turn a group over, or do any operation which involves a different atom into density currently occupied by another atom (labelling again), because they work by minimisation rather than by a search of possible conformations. Systematic searches, eg of sidechain rotamers, can do this, but a systematic search of all possible structure is not possible.

A leucine sidechain changed to rotamer 2, and adjusted into density


Refinement itself has been covered in other talks: minimisation cannot fix major errors, nor build new structure. A major role of refinement is to produce new electron density maps for examination and for correcting errors in the model (manually or automatically). Maps from refinement are typically better than those from experimental phases, and should improve as the model improves. This is particularly true if the experimental phases are used in the refinement, which should normally be done, as long as the dataset used for refinement is the same as that phased: in that case, the phases are a combination of information from the experiment and the model.

Maps    Two main sorts of maps are useful:

During rebuilding, it is useful to display both the 2Fo-Fc map, and positive and negative contours of the difference map, coloured differently (note that at least two colour conventions are in use (1) red is positive (2) red is negative). In general, features in the difference map show that something is wrong or missing in the model, and the 2Fo-Fc map tells you what to do about it. In the first round of rebuilding, it may also help to display the experimental map, at least in difficult regions, since this is unbiased by the model.

Red: positive difference density; blue: negative
This is a leucine, unusually not in a standard rotamer conformation, but clear

It is common for parts of the structure to be poorly ordered and therefore difficult or impossible to model, even if much of the structure is clear. If no density is present, then that part cannot be built, though density may sometimes emerge as phases improve by improvement of the model elsewhere. The major problem is density which is present but uninterpretable: presumably this represents multiple overlapping conformations, and no good tools exist (yet) to model such regions.

Good density on left, no density on right. In the middle, density which is difficult to explain with a single model. Red is positive difference density. The part of the molecule coloured cyan was omitted from the refinement and map calculation (by setting occupancy to zero) but is modelled from a second molecule in the asymmetric unit, in which this region is better ordered.

Water molecules and other UFOs

Waters are an important part of the structure: a well-ordered water molecule contributes more to the Xray scattering than a poorly ordered part of the protein. They are clearly visible in expermental maps and particularly in difference maps, at least at medium to high resolution. At resolutions worse than 2.8 - 3Å, waters cannot generally be placed reliably: the free R-factor is a good guide to whether adding waters improves the model. It is a good idea to inspect each water before adding it, to avoid putting waters into features which would be better interpreted as other things: bound ligands, unbuilt or misbuilt protein. With suitable macros in O, for example, waters can be selected from a peak list very quickly. Automated water addition (eg with ARP) should ideally be checked manually.

Waters appear as spherical positive features in the difference map

Other features such as expected or unexpected ligands and bound ions may appear in the maps and should be added to the model when they can be interepreted (what did you put into your crystallisation mix?)

Oxidised DTT, 1.7Å resolution - probably more common than is recognised

Hydrated magnesium bound to sidechain, ocatahedral coordination.
A water had been built into the Mg++ position.
Four waters in positive difference density, + one in 2Fo-Fc map only

Validation: how do you know that you are right?

During and after refinement, a number of useful checks can be made to find likely errors in the model and places to examine more carefully. Most of these checks compare the model to common properties of other similar macromolecules or small molecules. These properties reflect the energetics of molecular conformation, so a region of the model which deviates significantly from normal is either a mistake, or is an unusual high-energy conformation and thus may be important. Features which are used as restraints in the refinement, such as bond lengths and bond angles, are not generally useful as validation checks, since they are likely to be satisfied automatically. Torsion angles are not generally restrained, so should be checked.

Useful programs:

    Procheck        (Laskowski et al) Ramachandran plot, sidechain torsions etc

Procheck produces a useful file, .out, which monitors each residue and flags the ones which    should be checked
    WhatCheck     (Vriend et al) This does a large number of geometric checks
A particularly useful check is the analysis of hydrogen bonds for Asn, Gln and His, which can help to get the sidechain orientation correct

Available as a service from  EMBL

Mainchain torsions: the Ramachandran plot

The mainchain Phi (N-CA) & Psi (CA-C) torsion angles are highly constrained by steric hindrance, and any residues falling outside low energy regions are suspect. Glycine residues are more tolerant of unusual conformations.

Sidechain torsions: Chi1, Chi2 etc

Side chains should normally be a staggered conformation, particularly at Chi1 (CA-CB). Other conformations are rare. Unresolved multiple conformations may appear as intermediate eclipsed torsion angles.

When is refinement finished?

Refinement is never finished! The aim is ideally to flatten the difference map, but at least to leave no interpretable features in the difference map. Most people refine ad tedium,until they are bored.

© 1999-2005 Philip R Evans, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge. All rights reserved.