
From Phaserwiki
Revision as of 12:58, 13 January 2015 by Airlie (talk | contribs)

The manuals for Phaser are in four sections

  1. Modes: The different functions that Phaser can perform (e.g. automated MR, automated SAD). The number of modes increases as major new functionality is added.
  2. Keywords: Detailed descriptions of the keywords. The keywords change significantly between versions. We attempt to keep backwards compatibility in the use and meaning of keywords between versions but this is not always possible. The ccp4i interface must be compatible with the keywords of the phaser version run. The ccp4-style keyword and phenix-style python input functions are described on the same page (n.b. the manual pages for versions prior to Phaser-2.5 describe these on separate pages).
  3. Keyword Example Scripts: Copy and edit to start using Phaser from keyword input. These are very stable as the core functionality rarely changes.
  4. Python Example Scripts: Copy and edit to start using Phaser from python. These are very stable as the core functionality rarely changes.

The manual pages for versions prior to Phaser-2.5 also have information on XML output

Currently Supported Releases

Bug.png See also: Bugs



Versions older than Phaser-2.1 are located at the obsolete Phaser website